Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How spoilt am I?

I’m spoilt

It’s awesome that after 8 years of marriage – my wife can still manages to “get me” with a surprise

A couple of weeks ago I did my first triathlon. I did this for a number of reasons, personal satisfaction, a challenge, a promise to a fallen friend and an attempt to get fitter for the summer. Within a minute of crossing the finish line, I said to my wife “that was awesome, I’m going to do another one”

After I had recovered and caught my breath, I was still very excited about the prospect of doing another one and as I had borrowed a road bike off a mate, I started to look around for a bike of my own.

Well – on Sunday we went out looking and was referred to a certain bike shop so we went along and spoke to the owner. He was a really good guy who listened to what I was after and really took an interest (this is why I was referred to him) so he set me up on a couple of different bikes to try in the car park. While I was doing this my wife whispered to him that she wanted to buy this bike for me as a surprise and could he take care of it – this sparked a chain of events that I still find difficult to understand how she managed to do this. Speed forward to yesterday afternoon and I was sitting in the office with a client in front of me and another one waiting to see me when in through the door comes a guy with a brand new Avanti road bike and a shoe box under his arm. He said, “is Steve here?”, to which I replied, “That’s me” and he said – “I have a present for you – enjoy !!!!”

My client was looking at me with disbelief and said that it was obvious that I was not expecting that. I wasn’t. Some questions were asked to which the reply from the delivery guy (the bike shop rep) was – “ask your wife”

I called her and asked her if there was anything that she wanted to tell me, she said no. I asked her if she was sure, she said yes. I said to her – I have just had something delivered to the shop. She said “oh, that was supposed to happen tomorrow – surprise”

Did I mention that she is just the best. I am spoilt in so many ways.

Now I have to try and plan something for her. Hmmmm, wonder what I can come up with?


  1. Man, that is awesome. Your wife for the WIN!

  2. thanks Christian - Absolutly - she's awesome and I'm very lucky!!
