Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm not Important

I love travel, I love being at a destination, I love doing stuff at a destination- I just hate getting there and getting home.

This is what happened to my wife and I last Friday at Melbourne International. Picture this – we were standing in line at the security checkpoint waiting our turn to walk through the body scanner and I’ve taken my laptop out of the bag, my wallet, keys, phone and sunglasses are in the plastic box ready to go along the conveyer belt when all of a sudden about 18 guys come through in a huge hurry and walk straight through the scanner and all you hear is beep after beep after beep.

It was about 14 federal police and bodyguards with their “people” – one has to assume that the beeps were the police badges and guns and whatever else they had under their garments etc. I found out later, while we were in the airline lounge enjoying the airlines hospitality, that the “people” were VIP foreign ambassadors and they too were in the airline lounge “schmoozing”.

Anyway – back to me in line – I sent my belongings through and the wife walked through, no beeps at all BUT then I walked through and beep it went. “Please step back sir and walk through again” said the security dude, so I did AND again beep, “take your belt, shoes and watch off sir and walk through again” he said again – to which I complied AGAIN. Sure enough, it beeped again and he said “step this way sir” – at this stage I was just about over this and said sure thing. He used the hand scanner and “scanned” me again and at this stage my wife is starting to look like a pack horse with all our belongings and then the security dude just said – “that’s fine sir, thank you”

Oh to be an international ambassador huh !!!!

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