Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am (and have been for a few days) in a grumpy mood.

I am not at all a patient man, never have been and never will be – can’t change what you can’t change!!

I went to see the specialist on Monday (today is Thursday) and the verdict is surgery on my left knee. Now I have to wait and did I mention that I hate waiting. I’m playing the waiting game with ACC (the Accident Compensation Corporation – NZ’s answer to local heath care) – I won’t bore you with the ins and outs with this but I have private medical cover BUT as the injury was the result of an accident, I need ACC to either accept or decline the claim (I know, it makes no sense at all to me either and I live here) before I can go get the operation done privately. Meanwhile, I am getting around on crutches, being grumpy and fast seeing something that I have worked incredibly hard for disappear.

This is incredibly frustrating, I’ve been doing half days at work as I’m popping painkillers and need to keep the leg elevated to keep the swelling down, can’t exercise etc.

I’ll start feeling better once I know the “when” and then that’ll have a flow on effect with what has been planned – who knows, everything might be fine but my hopes are diminishing as each day goes by.

At the end of the day, as my wife says, shit happens and we just have to deal with it – wise woman that one.

Thanks too, to surfsister for her kind words re her knee and journey. I know that I just have to be patient but did I mention……….

On a brighter note – here is a picture of my team and I arriving at our conference and awards dinner – it was a masquerade theme.


  1. You can workout if you're careful. Swim with a pull buoy. That's what I did two years ago when I slightly tore a ligament in my right leg. And that's what I did last year as I recovered from the knee replacement.

    It will hurt some to simply get in the water, but if you can wear some kind of brace, I'd bet you can do small sessions in the pool with the pull buoy.

    It will help your attitude if nothing else.

    And I understand your impatience. Athletic people don't do injuries well. And why should we?

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. Hi Sis,

    thanks for your comments - just so frustrating.
    I have been swimming and aqua jogging (jogging in deep water with a flotation belt on) and also are managing to get a bit of cycling on the wind trainer done - it's keeping the knee moving which I need to do BUT still no word on the operation.

    I agree - why should we :-)
