Monday, January 31, 2011

Jills MBE (Monday Brain Exchange)

Jill over at her blog - "Finishing is Winning" is doing her Monday Brain Exchange where she asks us to asnwer a question that she posts and then link to her blog - she's great, she loves triathlons so go and check out her blog - here's the link -

Next Weeks Topic: 2011 Racing
Next Weeks Question: What race are you most excited for in 2011? Any destination races? Are you trying out a new distance. Tell us what it is in general you are looking forward to when it comes to 2011 racing.

Here is my answer:
(see my post below re the Rarotonga race)

I have done 2 races that are part of the Contact Energy National Triathlon Series of races around New Zealand and they have been the sprint distance of  (750m swim / 20km bike / 5km run) and these are the longest races that I have done thus far BUT I have entered the Rarotonga International Triathlon in May. This is an Olympic distance event on a South Pacific Island so this will really test me big time but hey, at least I'll be on holiday. My goal is to race in an international destination each year.

All I really want to do in 2011 is to improve on last years results. I am a newbie to this fantastic sport that is triathlon and I really enjoy the thrill of taking part.

Tri it, you might like it!!


  1. This is perfect! I will be sure to link you.

    The only thing is, you'll want to set your blog up to post this on the following Monday. Most people will post theirs this Monday. Hope that makes sense.

  2. Hi Jill,

    Thank you - but I have no idea how to set my blog to post on the following Monday - looks like I might be a week ahead :-)
    Technology isn't my best friend
