Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday Brain Exchange

Jill over at her blog - "Finishing is Winning" is doing her Monday Brain Exchange where she asks us to answer a question that she posts and then link to her blog - she's great, she loves triathlons so go and check out her blog - here's the link - http://onelittletrigirl.wordpress.com/

This Weeks Question: Do you deal with any types of extreme weather where you live? Heat warnings, a lot of snow, frequent tornados? How do you keep your workouts fresh and fun when you are stuck indoors?

My answer in a nutshell is no – we are lucky enough to live in a country where we don’t have extremes – we can train year round outside, but it does get a bit chilly in the winter but you just get rugged up nice and warm - here is a little bit of info about our countries weather from the New Zealand Met Service website.

New Zealand has a largely temperate climate. While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of the South Island can be as cold as -10 C in winter, most of the country lies close to the coast, which means mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and abundant sunshine.

Because New Zealand lies in the Southern Hemisphere, the average temperature decreases as you travel south. The north of New Zealand is subtropical and the south temperate. The warmest months are December, January and February, and the coldest June, July and August. In summer, the average maximum temperature ranges between 20 - 30ºC and in winter between 10 - 15ºC.

And the second part of the question Jill – treadmills are not fun at all.


  1. Training outside year round??!?!?!?! I am jealous!!!

  2. Yep, it's pretty nice but I guess that's what we get to deal with when we live on an island in the South Pacific huh :-)

    I'll be thinking of you when I go for a run in winter (oh, hang on, we're in the middle of Summer right now)

  3. I heard about another pretty big quake. Are you okay over there?
