Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another quake

Hi guys,

quick post - we had a massive earthquake on Tuesday. Smaller (6.3) than the one last September but this one caused massive damage and thus far 75 dead and 300 missing.
Building are down in the city - we are fine, alive but shaken. Our house is in the east of the city and we are still without water, power or cell coverage. I am at a friend place with power charging the laptop.

Crazy time here and wife very shaken. Understand that the pictures are all over the media but we are yet to see anything. Can't get into our street due to 2 feet of silt with the liquifaction - will post pictures as soon as I can.

Take care - no surf or training thus far unless you count 5 hours on the end of a shovel clearing the street each day training??



  1. This has been all over the news here- I hope you are all well and I am so very sorry you have to go through this!

  2. When I heard about the quake, I immediately thought of you and your family. I left a comment on your previous post, wondering if you're okay. Thanks for checking in!! We'll be here waiting to hear your updates. I'm glad you and the family are safe.
