Friday, May 7, 2010

Late Friday Post

Hi all - just a day late but my Friday was spent "under the influence"

I had my knee surgery on Thursday and it all went well BUT I have low blood pressure so they kept me in the hospital overnight (Thursday) and kept me pumped up on painkillers so by the time I got home on Friday, I was buggered.
I hit my own bed and pretty much slept for the rest of the day. Still feeling a bit "off" but hopefully this will pass soon.

I've started to walk slowly and hope to jump on my bike later on - I've got it set up in the gargae on the wind trainer - and as I have said the the wife - yes, I'll be careful!!!!

Here's a couple of pics of what they took out of my knee.


  1. I am glad to hear that your surgery went well! Hopefully you will be on the road to recovery soon. Take care...and listen to your wife:)

  2. Dude... that's a big chuck out of your knee! Cool souvenir! Best of luck in your recovery!

  3. thanks guys - yeah, I was suprised at how big that was as well!!!!
