Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have read a “tag” from Tall Guy and also from Julie – from what I understand, a tag is a list of 10 things about yourself that you are prepared to share with others – stuff that they wouldn’t necessarily know – well, here goes, enjoy (I think)

1- I have been surfing for 28 years, swimming for 40, playing soccer for 33 and doing triathlons for less than 6 months.

2- I own my own business and have 4 staff working for me.

3- I have lost 2 people close to me from suicide – my father (10 years ago) and a good friend (2 years ago) – these 2 events have had a profound effect on the way I live my life.

4- I do not suffer fools – time is precious, don’t waste mine.

5- I never intended to get married – until I met Sonia.

6- We have 2 Papillion puppies.

7- I have done some things in my life that I’m not proud of and can’t change, but I have learned from them.

8- I collect coins and banknotes. Does that make me a “geek”

9- I am loving this blogging and the feeling that writing gives me – even if no one is reading it.

10- I miss my dad.


  1. What a great list of things:) I love finding more out about people and I enjoyed reading your list! Wow, you have been surfing a long time...maybe thats why you are so good at it:)

    I am sorry to hear that people you loved dearly took their own lives. One of my son's best friends commited suicide over Christmas break...such a sad thing to have happen. My son is having a hard time.

    I read your blog and love it...I also enjoy blogging too! I hope that you have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Julie - thanks for that. I love reading your blog too - it's great fun to have an insight into other people and the lives they are living. Thank you for allowing me to follow along with yours.

    I enjoyed putting this list together, parts of it were tough. I can sympathise with your son. It is so tough and all I can say is just let him know that you are there for whenever he dcides to talk to you about it. He will at some stage.
    Tell him that despite what everyone says, it does not get better with time, it will always stay with you, he will never understand and that's ok, you don't need to. You just need to live YOUR life and always look forward, not back.
    You have a great week too - take care :-)

  3. Fascinating. I wish you lived in the States so we could share a session. Alas, we'll have to stay in touch via our blogs. Good list!

  4. Hi Sis, thanks for that - I thought long and hard about putting it all down and as you can probably appreciate, some were difficult BUT loved sharing.
    The wife and I are heading to Vegas to renew our wedding vows at some stage in 2011 so I plan on bringing my mal along and getting wet!! Would love to try and get to surf with you.
